martes, 9 de octubre de 2012



This part of KAL tests candidates’ knowledge of different types of meaning; sense relations; word formation; lexical units; lexicogrammar and register.
Possible testing focus

• types of meaning: denotation, connotation, figurative, contextual e.g. situational, collocational

• sense relationships: synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, whole/part, lexical sets, false friends

• word formation: morphemes, affixation, compounds, types of abbreviations, acronyms, spelling rules, word families

• lexical units: collocations, idioms, fixed phrases, formulaic phrases

• lexico-grammatical features: grammatical function of words and morphemes

• register: domain-specific vocabulary; degrees of formality in vocabulary and their contexts of occurrence

As I said before I'm going to try to take advantage af all the resources that Cambridge offers for TKT KAL and one of them is a sample of the first unit of The TKT Course: KAL Module by Cambridge University Press
This is my summary of the first unit:



Lexis (or vocabulary) refers to single words, or sets of words, that have a specific meaning, for example: car, pick up, in the end.

Denotation: or literal meaning is the meaning of a word given in a dictionary
Connotation: an idea suggested by the word, for example the word cheap has a bad connotation whereas the word inexpensive conveys the same meaning and has a good connotation
Figurative meaning: is a non literal and imaginative meaning. This is an example taken from the Oxford learner's dictionary online
 She is, figuratively speaking, holding a gun to his head
Some figurative phrases are called Idioms
Register:  The set of words used by particular groups of people (e.g. people who have the same jobs, are of the same age, belong to the same social group) is called register.
Register and style (a typical way of conveying information, e.g. business-like or casual) also refer to the kind of words used in a particular kind of text, for example a letter of complaint or a relaxed chat at a party. This may involve using formal or informal (also called colloquial) words

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